Retirement Income Planning
You have worked hard accumulating assets for retirement. Now you get to define what a successful retirement means to you. But there is more to retirement income planning than checking off a few boxes on a pension option statement, setting up a registered retirement income fund or activating your government pension. For a retirement plan to be successful many variables must be considered. Among others, variables like the sequencing of cash flow, taxation, inflation, variability of returns, longevity and estate planning must be considered. Engaging the services of a professional retirement income planner who will help you sort through all this is key.
We look forward to assisting you with planning for a successful retirement.
Preparing for retirement is an important stage of life and one that requires a great deal of thought and consideration.
We are each unique, and because of our uniqueness the path, or strategy that you take in retirement should align with your personal uniqueness.
One thing that is certain is that there are two distinct phases of retirement planning
Phase One, and perhaps the easier is the Accumulation Phase.
- Typically, this phase happens during your working years and requires you to allocate as much of your funds as possible to an RRSP, TFSA, pension plan or some combination thereof.
- The objective here is to effectively accumulate assets for your retirement years and can be as simple as making regular deposits to an efficiently diversified portfolio and keeping the fees in check.
Phase Two, and perhaps the more complicated is the Decumulation Phase.
- Retirement marks the beginning of the decumulation phase.
- The decumulation phase can be a more challenging and refers to the stage in life when you’re no longer earning an income from work.
- The objective here is to use the funds saved during the accumulation years to set up lifetime income sources.
- However, challenges may arise through a host of different issues, some predictable and others not so much.
- The primary objective of a Successful Decumulation, as it relates to financial planning, is to maximize the longevity of your portfolio by considering the predictable risks during the decumulation phase:

There are several strategies to consider whether you are in Phase One, in Phase Two, or transitioning from Phase One to Phase Two of your retirement planning.
What is the best strategy will depend on your specific circumstances and goals.
If your goal is to have a retirement plan that fits your specific needs and allows you to live comfortably, the first step you need to take is to engage with a Retirement Planning Specialist. Connect with Sageview Strategies to discuss how they can assist you with achieving your retirement goals.